Thilakawardana Online Case Study

For decades, Thilakawardana Textiles has been the destination of choice for consumers when it comes to fashion. Its broad choice of affordable products creates a one-stop shop for hundreds of thousands of customers. Thilakawardana Textiles needed a partner to grow and expand its customer base online, setting up a growth model that innovated on the shopping experience while delighting customers with the lowest prices online.


Increase in Revenues


Increase in Awareness


Increase in Retention

We’ve found Sprig Agency to be a consistent and reliable partner

In the past, growing our digital revenues has been a major challenge for us, but we’ve found the team at Sprig Agency to be a consistent reliable partner that understands the digital funnel from top to bottom. Our online revenues have grown while our acquisition and retention numbers are continuing to improve month over month.

Ravindu Thilakawardana

Director, Thilakawardhana Group of Companies


Thilakawardhana partnered with Sprig Agency to help increase online sales driven into the Sri Lankan market while maintaining profitable margins


Drive website sales & increase revenue generated from online channels


Implement a full-funnel paid acquisition strategy with increases in ROAS


Increase CRO (conversion rate optimization) across the website


Lifecycle retention strategy to sustain and grow the brand’s community

Services Provided

  • Performance marketing – paid media (CAC, Conversion Rate, ROAS)
  • Performance creative/branding (engagement rate, brand recall, direct traffic)
  • Creative matrix experimentation (segmented creative elements tied to results)
  • Growth Acquisition – paid media, SEO, CRO (orders, revenue)

Our Strategy

  • Growth strategy implementation – (orders, revenue)
  • Revenue KPI and reporting – (% to goal)
  • Website strategy – (CVR, ATC)
  • Content direction – (traffic, clicks)
  • Audience discovery and validation


We increased revenue for Thilakawardhana by over 30% in just 3 months in 2024

Thilakawardana experienced rapid month-over-month growth throughout 2023 led by a combination of paid acquisition efforts, marketplace management and the optimization of ads.

Met with aggressive revenue targets, we worked hard to identify and target individual cohorts of users most likely to make repeat purchases, testing various value propositions from our diverse product range. We have helped increase overall revenue by +80% through digital channels.


Increase in Online Revenues


Increase in Conversion Rate​


Increase in ROAS

Ready to start your rapid growth?

Our 90% retention rate proves we are not the type of agency that churns through clients.